S11 Series 6kV-35kV power Transformer With Off Circuit Tap Changer,power oill transformer,high voltage step up transformer,distribution transformer The products implement the National Standard GB1094-2013 Power Transformer and GB / T6451-2015 Three-phase Oil-immersed Power Transformer Technical Parameters and Requirements, and are recommended as the major equipment products for the national urban and rural power grid construction and retrofit by the State Economic and Trade Commission. Product Description The products implement the National Standard GB1094-2013 Power Transformer and GB / T6451-2015 Three-phase Oil-immersed Power Transformer Technical Parameters and Requirements, and are recommended as the major equipment products for the national urban and rural power grid construction and retrofit by the State Economic and Trade Commission. S11 series transformer adopts high quality material for copper winding, especially applying the new technology and new material for the coil insulation and active parts, thus the no-load and the load loss are obviously reduced, the performance and structure are more reliable and superior. Product Features ● Good Economic Performance The no-load loss for S11 series products decreased 10.3% averagely, no-load current decreased 22.4% based on S9 series. ● Long Service Life Transformer tank adopts hermetical structure, tank and tank cover can be connected by bolts or welded firmly, the transformer oil won’t contact with air, so that extend the service life effectively. ● High Operation Reliability Improve the relevant sealing parts for the tank, increase the reliability and advance the technical level to ensure the reliability of the seal. ● Small Installation Area S11-M series transformer tank uses the corrugated plate radiator. When the oil temperature changes, the corrugated plate will proceed thermal expansion, which can replace the role of the oil conservator. the corrugated plate tank has beautiful appearance, less occupied area. Model and Meaning Table 1: 6Kv, 10kV & 30kVA-2500kVA Power Transformer With Off Circuit Tap Changer Rated Capacity (kVA) Voltage Combination Connection Group Symbol No-load Loss R(W) Load Loss R(W)75℃ Impedance Voltage (%) No-load Current(%) Length L(mm) Width W (mm) Height H(mm) Gauge Horizontal*Vertical(mm) Active parts Weight(Kg) Oil Weight(Kg) Total Weight(Kg) (KV) High Voltage Tapping Range of High Voltage (KV)Low Voltage 30 66.31010.5 ±5%±2×2.5% 0.4 Dyn11Yzn11Yyn0 100 630/600 4.0 2.8 980 735 1145 400*400 178 78 355 50 130 910/870 2.5 1017 758 1205 450*400 240 92 415 63 150 1090/1040 2.4 1035 785 1285 450*400 285 105 505 80 180 1310/1250 2.2 1065 800 1290 450*400 330 110 540 100 200 1580/1500 2.1 1072 820 1305 450*400 345 116 590 125 240 1890/1800 2.0 1155 1105 1310 450*550 415 135 705 160 280 2310/2200 1.9 1235 850 1535 550*550 485 155 835 200 340 2730/2600 1.8 1282 860 1557 550*550 582 168 965 250 400 3200/3050 1.7 1310 940 1605 550*550 695 210 1135 315 480 3830/3650 1.6 1465 1120 1915 660*650 855 255 1520 400 570 4520/4300 1.5 1440 1165 1725 660*660 950 295 1590 500 680 5410/5150 1.4 1510 1250 1845 660*650 1150 320 1905 630 810 6200 1.3 1650 1140 1920 660*650 1500 435 2015 800 980 7500 4.5 1.2 2125 1175 2315 820*820 1910 760 3510 1000 1150 10300 1.1 2150 1380 2570 820*820 2125 880 3850 1250 1360 12000 1.0 2355 1485 2570 820*820 2605 960 4610 1600 1640 14500 0.9 2385 1750 2630 820*820 3125 1150 5420 2000 1940 18300 5.0 0.4 1940 1400 1700 820*820 2420 780 4200 2500 2290 21200 0.4 2050 1480 1800 820*820 2560 880 4680 Notes: 1. The Dimension and weight will be changed according to the requirements. These two data in the table will be subject to the factory documents. 2. For the transformer of rated capacity up to 500kVA, the value of load loss above the oblique line in the table is applicable to the connection group Dyn11 or Yzn11. The value of load loss under the oblique line is applicable to the connection group Yyn0. Technical Parameter for S11 Series 20kV Power Transformer With Off Circuit Tap Changer Rated capacity(KVA) Voltage Combination Connection Group Symbol No-load Loss(W) Load Loss (W)75℃ No-load Current (%) Short-circuit Impedance(%) High Voltage (KV) Tapping ranges of High Voltage Low Voltage(KV) 30 20 ±5% ±2×2.5% 0.4 Dyn11Yzn11Yyn0 100 690/660 2.1 5.5 50 130 1010/960 2.0 63 150 1200/1150 1.9 80 180 1440/1370 1.8 100 200 1730/1650 1.6 125 240 2080/1980 1.5 160 290 2540/2420 1.4 200 340 3000/2860 1.3 250 400 3520/3350 1.2 315 480 4210/4010 1.1 400 570 4970/4730 1.0 500 680 5940/5660 1.0 630 810 6820 0.9 6.0 800 980 8250 0.8 1000 1150 11330 0.7 1250 1380 13200 0.7 1600 1660 15950 0.6 2000 1950 19140 0.6 2500 2340 22220 0.5 Notes: 1. The Dimension and weight will be changed according to the requirements. These two data in the table will be subject to the factory documents. 2. For the transformer of rated capacity up to 500kVA, the value of load loss above the oblique line in the table is applicable to the connection group Dyn11 or Yzn11. The value of load loss under the oblique line is applicable to the connection group Yyn0. 3. The performance parameters in the table are also applicable for HV with dual voltage 20 (10)kV three-phase transformer. Technical Parameter for S11 Series 35kV Power Transformer With Off Circuit Tap Changer Model Voltage Combination Connection Group Symbol No-load Loss (W)75℃ Load Loss R(W) Impedance Voltage (%) No-load Current(%) Length L(mm) Width W(mm) Height H(mm) Gauge Horizontal*Vertical (mm) Active parts Weight(Kg) Oil Weight(Kg) Total Weight(Kg) High Voltage (kV) Tapping Range of High Voltage % Low Voltage (kV) 50 3538.5 ±2×2.5%±5% 0.4 Dyn11/ Yyn0 160 1200/1140 6.5 1.3 1195 935 1825 660*660 300 330 860 100 230 2010/1910 1.1 1200 995 1935 660*660 470 383 1130 125 270 2370/2260 1.1 1235 940 1955 660*660 550 465 1335 160 280 2820/2680 1.0 1285 895 1950 660*660 580 485 1475 200 340 3320/3160 1.0 1310 1150 1985 660*660 680 595 1755 250 400 3950/3760 0.95 1450 1090 2010 660*660 860 650 2000 315 480 4750/4530 0.95 1930 1065 2320 820*820 980 765 2290 400 580 5740/5470 0.85 1850 1165 2015 820*820 1170 885 2725 500 680 6910/6580 0.85 2045 1205 2415 820*820 1340 960 3090 630 830 7860 0.65 2085 1240 2515 660*660 1550 895 3810 800 980 9400 0.65 2305 1615 2685 820*820 1990 1030 4510 1000 1150 11500 0.65 2545 1540 2590 1070*1070 2415 1475 5055 1250 1400 13900 0.60 2495 2010 2675 820*820 2480 1405 5290 1600 1690 16600 0.60 2680 2100 2770 820*820 2600 1490 5450 2000 1990 19700 0.55 2790 2180 2860 820*820 2720 1590 5600 2500 2360 23200 0.55 2900 2290 2980 1070*1070 2830 1720 5760 Notes: 1. The Dimension and weight will be changed according to the requirements. These two data in the table will be subject to the factory documents. 2. For the transformer of rated capacity up to 500KVA, the value of load loss above the oblique line in the table is applicable to the connection group Dyn11. The value of load loss under the oblique line is applicable to the connection group Yyn0. S11 Series 35kV 630kVA-31500kVA Three-phase Dual Winding Power Transformer With Off Circuit Tap Changer Model Voltage Combination Connection Group Symbol No-load Loss (W) Load Loss R(W) No-load Current(%) Short circuit impedance (%) Length L(mm) Width W(mm) Height H(mm) Gauge Horizontal*Vertical (mm) Active parts Weight(Kg) Oil Weight(Kg) Total Weight(Kg) High Voltage (kV) Tapping Range of High Voltage % Low Voltage (kV) 630 35 ±2×2.5%±5% 3.156.310.5 Yd11 830 7860 0.65 6.5 2400 1700 2210 820*820 2210 900 3250 800 980 9400 0.65 2500 1850 2390 820*820 2350 1030 3500 1000 1150 1150 0.65 2700 1950 2510 820*820 2490 1180 3860 1250 1400 1390 0.55 2900 2050 2630 820*820 2600 1350 4350 1600 1690 1660 0.45 3050 2130 2750 820*820 2810 1580 4855 2000 2170 1830 0.45 3105 2195 2805 1070*1070 2800 1800 5300 2500 2560 1960 0.45 3150 2535 2980 1070*1070 3525 2060 7665 3150 35-38.5 ±2×2.5%±5% 3.156.310.5 3040 2300 0.45 7.0 3920 2725 2840 1070*1070 3995 2205 8565 4000 3610 2730 0.45 3310 2915 3070 1070*1070 4825 2560 10115 5000 4320 3130 0.45 3480 3020 3145 1070*1070 5700 2635 11305 6300 5240 3500 0.45 8.0 3590 2905 3210 1475*1475 7120 3240 13510 8000 35-38.5 ±2×2.5% YNd11 7200 3840 0.35 4070 3050 3595 1475*1475 8875 3840 16690 10000 8700 4530 0.35 4106 2795 3655 2000*1475 10305 3600 17690 12500 1000 5380 0.30 4570 3010 3840 1475*1475 12830 4310 20990 16000 1210 6580 0.30 5235 3295 4615 2000*1475 16010 6650 27660 20000 1440 7950 0.30 5360 3415 4660 2000*1475 18820 7600 32170 25000 1700 9400 0.25 10.0 5830 3810 4860 2000*1475 22360 9800 42600 31500 2020 112000 0.25 6290 4290 5260 2000*1475 25110 12010 49960 Note: 1.For the transformer of low voltage 10.5kV, the connection group symbol is applicable to Dyn11. Note: 2.For the transformer of rated capacity 3150kVA or above, the -5% tapping position is for maximum current tap. Note: 3.When the annual average load rate for the transformer is between 35% to 45%, the loss value in the table can obtain the highest operational efficiency. We are pleased to deliver Transformer, Distribution Transformer, Power Transformer, Oil Transformer, Dry Type Transformer. Safe payment and on time deliver time will give you.If you want to know more about the product, please click here.
- power Transformer With Off Circuit Tap Changer
- power oill transformer
- high voltage step up transformer
- distribution transformer
Oil transformer, dry type transformer , Substation, HV/LV switchgear
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