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Shenzhen Nuobashi Trading Co.,Ltd

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自从 2024



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Autopilot for aircraft & airplane building, solution for vertical takeoff and landing fixed wing UAV

Autopilot is a flight control and navigation system specifically designed for hybrid UAVs (vertical takeoff and landing fixed wing)and is suitable for an aircraft with the conventional fixed wing + quad rotor configuration. It internally integrates the flight control computer and micro-assembly navigation system (GPS/INS). It is, with one-key action, capable of enabling automatic takeoff, landing, hovering, circling, homing, altitude hold and parachute opening and also capable of various autonomous cruise functions based on the preset route.Besides, RP-S40 has the comprehensive flight status monitoring and Autopilot alarm functions and asophisticated emergency protection mechanism, to ensure operational safety of the system.

Scope of application
Autopilot Hybrid UAV with fixed-wing + quadrotor configuration,including the fixed wing aircraft with conventional tail and V-tail and flyingwing and the quadrotor aircraft with “X” configuration.

Conventional fixed-wring(plane) UAV, withconventional tail, V-tail and flying wing;

System features
Sensor configuration:

◆ GPS/MINScombined navigation integrated micro-system provides the navigation and controlinformation covering 3D position, three-axis attitude, three-axis velocity and three-axis acceleration.

◆ Integratedpneumatic altimeter, with resolution ratio of 0.1m and range of -500~10 000m;

◆ Integrateddifference-pressure air speedometer, with resolution ratio of 1m/s and range of0~100m/s;

◆ 2-circuitpulse-width engine speed measurement, with resolution ratio of 1rpm;

◆ Dedicatedvoltage/current measurement module, with voltage range of 0~52V and current range of 0~200A;

Flight control:

◆ Itsupports three types of UAVs: fixed-wing(plane), multi-rotor and hybrid(vertical takeoff and landing) UAVs;

◆ Forcontrol of hybrid UAV, the flight mode can be switched by the RC remotely orautomatically;

◆ Flightcontrol modes: manual (by the RC remote controller), semi-auto (attitude andthrottle lever are controlled by the RC remote controller) and full-auto(flight in the preset route);

◆ Itis suited for aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle, parachute opening, shutterand other servo control, with refresh frequency of 50Hz;

◆ Itis suited for quadrotor and other conventional multi-rotor UAVs power motorcontrol, with refresh frequency of 200Hz;

◆ Withone-key action, it can enable takeoff, landing, hovering, circling, altitudehold , parachute opening and other functions, foreasy operation of the user;

◆ Whena fix-wing UAV swerves, the elevator enables feed-forward compensation to avoidaltitude decrease;

◆ Whena multi-rotor UAV hovers, it automatically maintains its nose heading (or thecourse angle can be changed remotely); during flight in a route, the aircraftnose is automatically aligned with the route direction;

◆ Sophisticatedflight status monitoring and automatic protection;

Mission navigation:

◆ Itprovides 8 user routes and each route can contain 800 waypoints;

◆ Itcan automatically generate the circling route and the circling point, circlingradius and circling rounds are programmable;

◆ Itcan automatically generate the homing route; or the user may plot the homingroute and homing is automatically executed in the route plotted by users;

◆ Thelongitude, latitude, altitude, speed and mission of flight segment areprogrammable;

◆ Foraltitude control modes of the flight segment, normal control, gradient control,circling ascension/descension before arrival and circling ascension/descensionafter arrival, etc. can be selected.

◆ Afterreaching a waypoint, it can automatically switch to circling, homing or landingmode;

◆ Itcan enable parachute opening and camera shutter control upon arrival at awaypoint;

◆ Itcan execute regular-interval photographing mission in a flight segment;


◆ Protectionagainst low voltage, low oil level and low rotation speed;

◆ Protectionagainst abnormal attitude;

◆ Protectionagainst abnormal altitude;

◆ Protectionagainst low accuracy of GPS positioning;

◆ Protectionagainst failure of combined navigation system;

◆ Protectionagainst breach of maximum control radius;

◆ Protectionagainst breach of safety limit of the route;

◆ Protectionagainst overtime communication outage;

◆ 100emergency landing points can be preset so that the aircraft can land at thenearest landing point in case of an emergency;

◆ Protectioncan be executed as automatic homing, automatic landing or parachute opening;

Remote Controller:

◆ Itis compatible with the conventional Sbus interfaced RC remote controller andreceiver;

◆ Themanual/autonomous modes can be switched by the RC remote controller;

◆ Thefixed-wing and multi-rotor modes can be switched by the RC remote controller;

◆ TheFailSafe status of the RC remote controller is under monitoring;

◆ TheRC remote controller can be used for registration of the control surfaces;

◆ TheRC remote controller can execute unlocking, to prevent misoperation of themotor;

Airborne data recording:

◆ Flightinformation and mission information are recorded and downloaded separately;

◆ Therecording frequency and downloading frequency are selectable in the range of1Hz~10Hz;

◆ Flightinformation recording time can be 9 hours;

◆ 7000mission information logs can be recorded (on photographing locations);

Ground station software:

◆ Supportingmultisource online electronic map with error compensation, MAPX and backgroundpictures;

◆ Completeand practical preflight check process prompt;

◆ Irregularmulti-monitoring area automatic mapping route planning function;

◆ Legibleand comprehensible flight instruments;

◆ Easyexecution of key commands; protection against misoperation;

◆ Adjustmentof integrated control parameters, calibration of sensors, protectionconfiguration, etc. ;

◆ Display,alerting, recording and playback of telemetry data; the formats of the logfiles are compatible with Office;

◆ Theground station software is capable of fine adjustment of the horizontalposition, altitude and course of multi-rotor UAV, without remote control of theRC remote controller;

Autopilot Data link interface:

◆ Electricalstandard: RS-232C;

◆ Baudrate: several optional Baud rates, default 115200, N, 8, 1;

Physical parameter:

◆ Dimensions:109mm*56mm*53mm (L*W*H);

◆ Weight:130g

◆ Power supply: [email protected]~9.0VDC.

◆ Working temperature: -20~55 degrees Celsius

  • 无人机
  • 无人机配件
  • 农业无人机
  • Spraying Drone









Shenzhen Nuobashi Trading Co.,Ltd

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  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • 半导体
  • 汽车诊断仪
  • 无人机
  • 示波器
  • 电子元器件

  • icone de usuario Weili ********
  • icone de telefone +86 1********
  • map-marker 深圳 / | 中国
