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ZHONGSHAN HANSON FURNITURE CO.LTD. furniture, aluminium die casting parts

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自从 2017




Zhongshan Hanson Furniture Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of middle and top-grade office furniture that integrates design, R&D, production and sales. It is located at Zhongshan Nantou International Industrial Park (Hongji e Valley), where the transportation is convenient and the environment is beautiful. Hanson has professional R&D and manufacturing team, advanced production equipment and production techniques, and scientific manufacturing management and sales management. It strives to create a perfect "Hanson" (meaning that whatever is lasting is supreme) furniture brand by promoting design philosophies of health and safety, environmental protection, stylishness and user-friendliness. EMS系列 简洁,优雅的造型,舒适超前的设计,让EMS系列自20世纪40年代,历经时代的变迁,经久不衰,成为时代经典 Eames Aluminum Group Chairs Elegance in form and technique, originally commissioned as office seating from 1940s , the Eames Aluminum Group has been in demand ever since. (EMS鼓包椅)产品从开料到成型都尽善尽美,加工层次分明, 手工精细,工艺精美。 Products from material cutting, die casting parts and stitching, we make every details perfect, to ensure the high quality chairs. EMS排椅 设计简洁,经典。适用于会客区,机场,车站。 EMS Benches Simple and classic design suitable for meeting area, airport and station. 桌脚系列 追求卓著的办公,体验感性的理念,高质量及无限的简美设 计,精简的体现出产品的独美性。 Office Tables With the pursuit of outstanding workplace, our brief and fashion design reflects the unique beauty of the product. 酒吧椅 透气西皮,精抛光铁电镀框架,∮380MM#304不锈钢底座。 Bar Stool Breathable PU, steel polished frame and SUS304 base. 网椅HS-307 系列 每一款的设计都是舍身外的为使用者着想,实用性与舒适 度是一直以来绝对不可回避的思维方式,贴心创造。 Mesh Task Chairs Each design of ours chairs is for the sake of users, practicality and comfort are our endless pursuit. 网椅HS-308系列 自重力滑动底盘,可根据自身体重自动调节倾仰力度, 坐感舒适,坐姿随心所欲。 Self-adjusting Full Mesh Chair Thanks to the intelligent automatic weight system, it is able to adjust automatically to all users. At the same time, the backrest can follow every movement of the user, resulting in maximum freedom of movement and a healthy sitting in all positions 大网椅系列 HS-201 真真正正地做到为你的健康着想,绝对值得让 你去细细品味,更能满足你的感官要求。 Full Mesh Chairs HS-201 Design for your health, more to meet your sensory requirements, you are absolutely worth it. 大网椅系列 HS-203 韩国特网,台湾线控底盘,更舒适,操作更方便。坐垫可前后调节, 方便各种坐姿。可在工作和休憩状态自由切换。 Full Mesh Chairs Korean brand mesh and Taiwan brand wire-controlled mechanism, more comfortable and more convenient to adjust. The seating pad can move forward for freely switch between work and rest. 休闲椅系列 造型优雅的休闲椅系列,是休闲和会客区的不二选择。舒适和实用性兼具。有多种颜色和工艺可选。根据客户喜好,扶手和底座可选电镀, 喷涂和拉丝封釉工艺。 Leisure Chairs An elegant leisure chair for meeting room or dining room, available in a variety of colors. There are three options for armrest and base, wiredrawing with oil painting, powder coating or chromed. Either as a low armchair with four fixed legs or a sledge base, the leisure chairs are always comfortable. 追求卓著,专注打造时代办公椅,让乐趣与工作同在! Pursuing excellence, focusing on modern office chairs, make fun and work together. 广东省中山市南头镇同济西路23号(宏基e谷国际企业港五栋二楼) No.23 Tongji West Road(2nd floor, No. 5 Building, Hongji e Valley), Nantou Town, Zhongshan City, China


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ZHONGSHAN HANSON FURNITURE CO.LTD. furniture, aluminium die casting parts

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  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • office chair
  • eames chair
  • swivel manager chair
  • meeting chair
  • mesh and leather chair
  • aluminium die casting parts
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  • map-marker ZHONGSHAN / GUANGDONG | 中国

