寻找 其他工业机械设备 适用于工业机械, 设备和零件。
HIGHLIGHTS 50 MHz bandwidth 1 GSa/s sample rate 200k points Built-in 20 MHz func
Mainly used for grabbing various types of powdery and granular bulk materials. T
Product introduction: Grab bucket refers to a special tool for cranes to grab dr
It is mainly suitable for grabbing bulk materials in block, granular and irregul
It is mainly used for loading and unloading coal slag, cement powder, iron ore c
Product introduction: Electric tire crane is a full-rotation boom crane with hoo
Product introduction: Specially developed and designed for subway deep foundatio
The basic rule of the dock crane lifting operation is that the crane staff must
Fixed ship loaders refer to fixed pier-type ship loaders and mast-type ship load
我们在制造工业制动器市场上是领先者。Acionac XNS 和 XNR 工业气动制动器具有完整的性能范围,适用于低和中等制动力矩。它们由钢材 (SAE 1020
Diam of nails (max):5.5mm Diam of nails (min):3.7mm Length of nails (max):150m
This model can produce the following specifications of iron nails Diam of nails
1.自动上料,快速准确,节省人力。 2、超强刀头设计,固定刀头。延长刀头的使用寿命。 3.自定心夹具夹紧,确保加工同心度 4、双级进给速度,节省工时,慢速无需步
TM-60 单头缩扩管管端成型机 应用:管端成型机广泛应用于众多端部成型应用和行业,例如汽车尾气、家具、空调等。 成型采用液压控制,夹紧采用液压控制。 英文或
双支撑。提供高度调整头与垫还配备了配件的胶带。技术特点︰与电源开关电机制动的控制箱。-为 1 到 6
无需任何维护技术;占地面积小到极致;外观结构美到极致;接电即用,无需任何安装;适用于金属加工、激光切割、航空航天、医疗器械、仪器仪表、精密工艺领域。 激光一体
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