类型:复印纸,复印纸 重量:70克,75克,80克 尺寸:A4,A4,A3尺寸 颜色:彩色 包装:500张/卷 5卷/盒 亮度:102-104% 质量:A级 厚
♥ Multi-point touch support:10 points or 20 points ♥ Comes with multi-funtion
1. The company's R&D center has been committed to automotive education equip
Face recognition thermometer, face recognition access control machine, face reco
快速详细信息 产地:中国河北省 商品名称:BJZY 保修期:1年 服务:OEM定制 类别:教学 最小起订量:1套 包装:木箱 包装和交付 木质包装 交货时间:1
I. Product Overview This training equipment is designed to make students underst
为您的业务或业务定制时间表。 五颜六色的精装,完全定制的内页与精细的工艺。电线关闭金属在客户所期望的颜色。咨询我们。
The case consists of normal logic gate circuit, trigger and signal generator, he
P9 is designed for interactive teaching in school and meeting in Business. Using
Equipment focuses on introduce the structure and principle of each components th
我们生产以下规格的多用途纸。 克重: 80gsm, 75gsm, 70gsm 质量:进口100%天然木浆 亮度 = 102-104%,自然白 能力:高速复印10
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在植树造林的松树木材橡皮擦, 用粉笔沉积。
F-35 Portable Interactive
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